BALC Litttle League Registration

 Tri-Shore Little League: T-BBall, Baseball and Softball sign-ups have started for 2024. Please visit the Tri-Shore Little League website for more information at 


After 02/28/2024- Any late registrant will be charged a $25 late registration fee for each participant.


 03/31/2024 (all sign-ups after this date will be wait listed and placed onteams as numbers allow)


 If you are interested in managing or coaching a team please indicate where prompted.

A "manager" is considered the Head Coach, whereas the "coach" is considered an Assistant Coach.

There will be a coachesclinic before the start of the season.

League Fees (excluding late fee):

- 4Yr Old T-Ball - $125 -

- T-Ball - $125 -

- Pony / Minor / Major - $175 -

- Family Max - $450 -

Divisions and Little League Age:

- 4Yr Old T-Ball (Co-ed) - 4yr old -

- T-Ball (Co-ed) - 5/6yr old -

- Pony Baseball/Softball - 7/8yr old -

- Minor Baseball/Softball - 9/10yr old -

- Major Baseball/Softball - 11/12yr old -

-Jr Baseball- 13/14yr old