07 Oct 2020

October Zoning Board of Adjustment


No Time Set





            PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Belmar Zoning Board of Adjustment will convene a remote meeting on October 22, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. (The Board had previously advertised the said meeting, but the within notice is being re-advertised so as to publicize the remote nature of the same.)   Due to Coronavirus / COVID-19 Borough and State Directives, the said meeting is being held remotely, through a web-meeting conference communication system.  The remote meeting format will allow Board Members and the Public to simultaneously hear, listen to, participate in, digest, observe, comment on, and / or otherwise object to any and all Board decisions / actions.  The remote meeting format, as aforesaid, will allow the Borough’s Zoning Board to conduct business, without violating any Executive Orders, without violating any COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocol, and while still complying with  the spirit and intent of Prevailing Provisions of New Jersey Law.  (Please note that the Board Secretary, or an Agent thereof, may be physically managing / operating / organizing the remote meeting, from the Borough Council Chambers / Municipal Court, located at 601 Main Street, Belmar, NJ, but, per Prevailing Coronavirus Regulations, Public access to the Municipal Building is not currently permitted.)

            Members of the Public are welcome to, and encouraged to, participate by observing / participating in the remote meeting. The meeting will be held via Zoom. You can access the meeting through the Zoom App via a smartphone or tablet, via a special link on your computer, or by telephone. For anyone interested in observing and/or otherwise participating in the remote web-meeting, the instructions / directions are as follows:


Passcode: 0123685

Or iPhone one-tap :

 US:+13017158592,,85355667960#,,,,,,0#,,0123685or +13126266799,,85355667960#,,,,,,0#,,0123685#

Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

        US: +1 301 715 8592  or +1 312 626 6799  or +1 646 558 8656  or +1 253 215 8782  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 669 900 9128

Webinar ID: 853 5566 7960

Passcode: 0123685

International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kKxy5p3Oy

Additional technological assistance and/or additional information can be obtained by contacting the Board Secretary at aclaudio@belmar.com, 732-681-3700 ext. 225 or by visiting www.belmar.com or the Borough’s Facebook the day of the meeting.


Members of the Public who have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the web-meeting process, or the remote meeting format, should contact the Board Secretary at (732) 681-3700, Ext. 225 (during regular Borough hours) or at aclaudio@belmar.com.  In the event no one is present to immediately answer the phone (because of Coronavirus scheduling issues), Members of the Public are encouraged to leave a message and call back. 

Likewise, Members of the Public should also feel free to contact the Board Secretary, at the above-referenced number, if they have any other questions, issues, concerns, or barriers to participation / observation. 

The Agenda for the October 22, 2020 meeting, to the extent known, includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Potential adoption of Minutes;
  2. Adoption of Resolutions granting or denying applications heard at the September 24, 2020 meeting.


Adjudication of the Louis Mandia Application

1708 B Street

Belmar, NJ

Block 173, Lot 8

Bulk Variance and Use “D” Variance relief associated with the development of a new single-family front home

*Continuation Hearing


Adjudication of the Laurie & Kevin Gildea application

208 7th Avenue

 Belmar, NJ

Block 61, Lot 7

 Bulk Variance relief associated with the development of a half story addition, second floor deck and half story balcony

*Continuation Hearing


Adjudication of the Lucille Barbetta & Benjamin Kirsch application

903 Ocean Avenue Unit 2

 Belmar, NJ

Block 90, Lot 3.01

Bulk Variance and Use “D” Variance relief associated with the development of an outdoor shower

 *Continuation Hearing


Adjudication of the Laura & Cesar Revano application

1006 14th Avenue

 Belmar, NJ

Block 139, Lot 18

Bulk Variance and Use “D” Variance relief associated with the development of removal of two single-family dwellings and replace with one new single-family dwelling. Existing rear dwelling to remain.

 *Continuation Hearing


 Adjudication of the Roseanne Weeden application

  315 12th Avenue

  Belmar, NJ

  Block 11 lot 7

Bulk variance relief associated with an existing driveway and parking area


  1. Potential discussion on the format for future Board Meetings in light of the Coronavirus Pandemic, and Governmental Orders / Restrictions associated therewith;
  2. Potential Executive Session, if necessary;
  3. Public participation; and
  4. Discussion and / or potential action on such other matters as may be presented to the Board.

            Members of the Public can access certain non-privileged and otherwise available information, by visiting the Borough Website at www.belmar.com under “Meetings Agenda’s & Minutes”. (The application information/plans are or will be available for public inspection, on the Borough Web-site, at least 10 days in advance of the remote Hearing.) (In special  qualifying circumstances, Members of the public are also free to contact the Board Secretary to discuss if any other special/ reasonable accommodations can, in good faith,  be effectuated to facilitate public review of pertinent documents.)

            Members of the Public should notify the Board Secretary, in advance, if possible, via e-mail or phone call, of any anticipated intention to undertake cross-examination, introduce evidence, and / or otherwise make public comments / statements in connection with a particular Application.  The purpose of such notification is  to ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that the technological needs of all are accommodated, and so as to furthermore ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that any additional  documents to be identified/ referenced at the remote meeting can hopefully be available for review by all participants and other members of the public.  Please note that the preceding sentence will not limit or otherwise block the ability of members of the public to ask questions, make comments, or issue opinions based upon testimony and evidence presented during the remote public hearing.

            Formal action will be taken at the meeting, and, as indicated, the Public is encouraged to listen, observe, and participate.

            Minutes of the meeting will be kept and ultimately made available to the public. If the technology so allows, recordings or reproductions of the meeting can likely be viewed at future dates as well.

            Members of the Public are also encouraged to visit the Municipal Website www.belmar.com or the Borough’s Facebook page for any additional information, changes, and / or updates.