Bid Notice - Taylor Pavilion Boardwalk Food Concession Lease
7:00 PM
The Borough of Belmar has determined that the Taylor Pavilion (Fifth Avenue Pavilion) north end, hereafter referred to as “the property”, on the Boardwalk is not needed for public use and is not otherwise dedicated or restricted pursuant to law.
The Borough Clerk is hereby authorized and directed by the Mayor and Council to advertise for bids to lease said Property as a food concession upon the following terms and conditions:
North end of the Taylor Pavilion (Fifth Avenue Pavilion) having a total square footage of approximately 594 square feet. Bidders shall make their highest and best offer by way of public bid, the minimum bid for this lease is $15,000 per year. A bid deposit of $1,500.00 is required to be submitted prior to placing a bid in the form of certified check or money order payable to the Borough of Belmar. The Lease will be awarded to the highest bidder. The property is leased in as is condition with the successful bidder responsible for fit out.
The lease is for a term beginning May 15, 2024 through December 31, 2026 with an option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year terms. The concession, at a minimum, must operate from May 1st-October 31st each year.
The Mayor and Borough Council reserve the right to reject all bids. The successful bidder shall be required to execute the form of lease available from the Borough Clerk during Borough business hours, the terms and conditions of said lease, a copy of which, shall be obtained by contacting the Municipal Clerk prior to the bid date.
The public bid shall take place on April 30, 2024 at 6:30 pm at 601 Main Street, Belmar, New Jersey in the Municipal Courtroom.
Contact the Municipal Clerk at 732-681-3700 or to obtain the lease and bid form.